You can start a postnatal course around eight weeks after the birth of your child.
German health insurance cover the costs if the course is finished by the end of the 9th month after birth.
The main learning here is to regain the holding function of your pelvic floor (-> urine and stool continence, holding the internal organs).
I recommend that you attend a postnatal course after every birth (regardless of how many children you have and how you gave birth).
Other areas of your body will also slowly be trained again in order to lay a good foundation for further sport.
The entire back in particular is strengthened, but also arm, leg, buttocks and abdominal muscles.
A postnatal course is also highly advisable after premature or silent births.
For the second, there are good courses designed for this situation.
There are courses that take place with and without a baby. You can choose.
Most postnatal courses are offered in midwife practices, birthing centers, hospitals and physiotherapy practices.
Try to get a spot in a course early after the birth, places are often filled quickly and there are waiting lists.
My postnatal classes
I am offering postnatal gymnastic courses for English speakers.
Next courses:
Thursday, May 8th 2025, 11:30 . 12:45
The course includes 8 appointments once a week (day and time stay the same), all covered by German health insurance.
If possible, please come without your baby. If not you may of course bring them :)
Please just write me an email or contact me via the Kontaktformular if you want to sign up or have any questions.